The NYSBA Committee on Civil Rights is sponsoring a program entitled
The War on Science is a War on Civil Rights, along with the NYSBA Environmental and Energy Law Section, Committee on Environmental Justice. Co-sponsored by the Albany Law School Environmental Law Society and the Black Law Students Association and Latino Law Students Association.
We are all familiar with the damage being done to the environment, but environmental policy impacts us all in ways other than the obvious.This program will explore the intersection of civil rights and science in the context of environmental policy. The program will explain the concept of environment justice, reveal the impact of environmental policy upon civil rights with regard to the topics of lead toxicity and climate change, and explore how environmental justice issues in these two arenas comparatively affect, and are addressed, in upstate New York and New York City. Moderated by Sierra Club Past President Aaron Mair, a distinguished panel of experts from diverse backgrounds, including attorneys, activists, journalists, professors and scientists, will convene and engage in what is sure to be an exciting and insightful discussion on numerous issues and topics affecting all New Yorkers.
It will be in the Moot Court Room at Albany Law School from
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with a reception following on
Friday, October 26, 2018.
The program is open to the public and there is no charge to attend. If you are interested and will be in the Albany area, click here to find out more: I hope to be there.