
Facing the Slowdown to Keep Your Job Safe

By Luke Worli posted 12-02-2020 02:04 PM


If you are not your own boss or do not run a company, you are dependant on someone else to provide you with your monthly income. Under normal circumstances, if you only do what you are employed to do, then keeping your job is simple, but when a recession hits, things can take a turn for the worse. 

Employers will look where they can cut costs and one of the biggest expenses of any company is salaries. This is why it is important to sell the fact that you add more value to the company than what they are paying you for. Here is how you can make yourself unmissable at work and secure your income during hard times.

In case of a pay cut

Although it is not the best outcome, taking a pay cut as opposed to losing your job is not the worst thing in the world. Many people might want to opt for a second job and jeopardize the quality of their primary job. But taking a payday loan online from can help you maintain the same level of work and stress about the shortfall from the pay cut. It is not a permanent solution, but it will allow you to work on a more permanent solution without using your time on extra jobs. 

Expand your skillset

Many employers will seek to keep the employers who have the most value in terms of their skills. To ensure that you are at the top of the list of most valuable employees, taking some time and upping your skills is a slid investment. If worse comes to worst and you lose your job, it will make you more employable to other companies. 

Your resume will look impressive and diverse and diversity is what employers are looking for when times are tough. Even if a recession is not on the cards, it is always a good idea to keep your skills updated. 

Maintain your online profile

More and more employers are using the internet to vet their candidates before inviting them for interviews. There is never a more important time to make our online portfolio look more impressive than during a recession. You also have to make sure that you are visible, so using more than one professional networking site to showcase your skills is what you need to go for. 

Always ensure that your most recent achievements and skills are listed first and give a detailed update about your work history. The more complete picture you provide for possible employers, the better your chances are at landing that new job.

Take the initiative

When you are employed to do something, do your job well, but when a recession hits, you need to innovate. It often happens that our ideas of innovation get quashed by our fears, but during a recession, innovation is your biggest ally. 

Your employers will have their hands full with trying to save a company, but you could provide some critical input for your department and lighten their load. This will send the message that you are a fighter and that you are just as invested in the success of the company as your employers are. 

Be a team player

The last thing that you need to do is to become invisible. Your office or cubicle is the place where you should be seen the least. Walk around and look for opportunities to help out. 

Going the extra mile and pulling some overtime when the going gets tough will ensure maximum visibility. When you help others out, it lightens the load and frees up time to take on things no one usually has time for.    

