
4 Ways to Hire the Right Lawyer for Your Needs

By Luke Worli posted 10-29-2020 11:57 PM


We’re all going to need a lawyer at some point in our lives. Whether it’s to sell a house, draft a will, or settle a car accident lawsuit. 

But, in order to find a great lawyer that you can work with through different events of your life, it’s recommended to pick one before you get into trouble and you should know what to look for too.

Presumably, that’s why you’re reading this, so without further ado, here are some great tips on how to pick the right lawyer for your needs. 

  • Hire an Honest Lawyer

Competitive lawyers are smart enough to offer a free initial consultation which is a nice, cost-effective way to interview different lawyers. While in that initial consultation, you’ll get a feel of how honest and transparent they are. 

If you’re a good judge of character then your gut instinct will let you know what you’re dealing with. 

But, if you’re not good at figuring out people out then you should look out for certain character traits that will tip you off as to the type of person you’re dealing with. 

For instance, notice if they look you in the eye or to the ground when answering certain questions. 

  • Only Work with an Experienced Lawyer

Another important consideration to make when looking for an attorney is whether or not they have experience in the particular field of practice that your case is concerned with. 

For instance, a divorce attorney specializes in divorce cases, while a trial lawyer specializes in defending clients in criminal cases, and an estate planning lawyer specializes in wills and estates. 

This specialization makes it possible for a lawyer to gain the requisite experience that ensures success in most if not all of their cases. 

Although, general practitioners can also come in handy for basic transactions and other matters that aren’t complicated. 

  • Make Sure It’s Within Your Budget

Hiring a lawyer should never put you out of house and home. There are many different lawyers at different price points and more expensive doesn’t always mean better. 

If you can, try to get an estimate of the litigation costs in writing and if possible, get a contract that clearly states the maximum costs of dealing with your case. That way, you can budget accordingly and won’t have to worry about any surprises down the line. 

Many lawyers work on a percentage base. If that’s the case then they might try to negotiate with you which isn’t a bad trait, unless they’re trying too hard. 

  • Consider the Size of the Law Firm

Should you choose to go with a smaller, boutique firm then you’re guaranteed personalized and timely service every single time.

On the other hand, lawyers in large law firms typically have to deal with several cases at once and the mountain of responsibility on their table can make it difficult for them to pay the amount of attention to your case that you feel it deserves. 

But, a large law firm also has its benefits like being respected in the law profession as a whole, and this prestige has been known to influence judgments. 

Larger firms also have the ability to draw on more resources when fighting a case. 

