
New Contributors

By Alexander Englander posted 02-27-2015 03:48 PM


The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and the Law Student Community would like to welcome our two newest contributors:  Alexandra (Lexi) Herman and Christopher Jennison.  Both contributors are currently 2L's and will be regularly posting in the Law Student Community Blog.  

Alexandra (Lexi) Herman:

Alexandra (Lexi) Herman is a second year law student at New York Law School. She decided to attend law school with the dream of working in social media and internet law.  Her love of the internet came from studying communications at Colorado State University where she met a professor who showed her just how much the internet is shaping new laws and reforming old ones.  Someday she hopes to work for Facebook or Google in addition to teaching; showing new minds how much the internet has helped to shape laws even in the time since graduating from college!

Christopher  Jennison

Chris Jennison joins us as a Content Editor as a second year student at the Syracuse University College of Law. He received a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Pennsylvania's Fels Institute of Government, and studied policy and public relations as an undergraduate at Syracuse University. He previously interned with a district attorney's office, at the State Department and for Senator Harry Reid. Outside of the law, Chris has been a volunteer EMT for 6 years. After graduation, he hopes to practice criminal law as a prosecutor. 

